Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy Baby

Owen has been "talking" for a few weeks now and he is starting to become more and more expressive each day. He is making parenting so much fun. I was able to catch a little video today: more thing....I think we have a thumb-sucker...

We'll see if he sticks to the paci or if he switches to his thumb in the coming months.

Sleep Is Good

Go Gators!

Owen did it again! We have slept through the night 2 nights in a row! Our nightly routine seems to be working so far. My next goal is to start gradually moving his bedtime to an earlier time, but the 10pm-6:30am schedule is a great start!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Brag Moment

I am so proud to say that Owen slept through the night again last night! He has done this a few times before and every time it happens, I have to check the clock twice to make sure I'm not dreaming!

We're trying to establish a more consistent nightly routine since I'll be returning to work in 2 weeks. Last night, I bathed Owen, fed him and then laid him down at 10pm. He didn't wake up until 6:15am this morning! And the best part when he woke up: He had a huge smile on his face!

I'm going to try this routine again tonight and hope for the same results. :) I am finding that a swaddle blanket is the key to keeping him asleep....sometimes he wakes himself up when he is dreaming, however he is really good at putting himself back to sleep. 

It's amazing what a full night of sleep will do to a mama. Owen typically only wakes up once around 4am in the night, but that still takes a toll after awhile. But I can't really complain. He has done so well in his first 6 weeks of life. :)

Keep up the good work/sleep Owen!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Check-Up Time

Owen had his One-Month check-up this morning and he was a good little patient. My mom and I have been trying to guess his weight for awhile now and I was excited to see just how much he is weighing now. My mom guessed over 11 pounds and I was thinking more like 10.5 pounds.

I moved his arm 3 times and he kept putting it back on his face...silly boy.

We had an 8am appointment so luckily we were in and out fairly quickly. His stats for this visit were:

weight: 9 lbs. 14.5 oz. (55th percentile)
height: 21.5 inches (50th percentile)

I was surprised he wasn't over the 10 pound mark, but he is certainly growing! His doctor said he is "growing beautifully" so that's all I needed to hear. Basically he is an average sized baby for his age but of course we think he's perfectly sized (I know, I know.... I'm a cheesy, proud mom).

Anyway, this visit was easy. The next one won't be. Owen will get 4 shots and I'm not looking forward to it. Hopefully he'll do better than I do with shots...we shall see.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"O" Happy Day

Happy One Month to my sweet baby!
I love this baby more and more every single day. I'm a very proud mama. :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

4 Weeks?!

It can't be possible that our baby boy is 4 weeks old tomorrow.

Time is going by WAY too fast. I have to go back to work in a month and it literally makes me sick to my stomach when I think about leaving him for extended periods of time. I've only left him for a total of 30 minutes since he was born and even that was hard to do.

Ok, enough about the depressing stuff...

Owen is still a really good baby. He is stretching his sleeping at night out to 5 hours at a time but still likes to eat every 3 hours during the day. I'm totally fine with this!

He's still wearing newborn-sized clothes and diapers but I feel like we are on the verge of transitioning to 0-3 months in the clothing department soon. The way they size baby clothing is crazy to me...some newborn things are still baggy on him and other things are tight. Weird, I tell ya. I think we'll still be in newborn diapers a bit longer, mainly because he likes to pee out of his diapers all the time and the smaller diapers seem to work better at keeping the urine contained. Some days it seems we change clothes as many times as we change diapers...and that's a lot of changing!

And can I just say that this child is the king of pooping in a freshly changed diaper. We sure go through the diapers in this house. Thankfully we were blessed with so many packs/boxes of diapers at all of our baby showers that we haven't had to buy any yet and probably won't have to for awhile. Holla!

We have kept our outings to a minimum this first month, but some of the places we've taken Owen so far are:
-the doctor
-Nonna's volleyball game
-big sister Peyton's softball game
-Mama Dips for Uncle Matt's birthday
-big sister Raegan's soccer practice
-Uncle John's football game tonight (GO COMETS!!)

I'll try to venture out more this next month but I honestly have really enjoyed having an excuse to stay at home. Somedays I feel a little more stir crazy than others, but overall I've enjoyed being at home with Owen.

Oh, I think Owen has decided he likes bath time now. He screamed through his first bath but lately he seems to enjoy laying in the warm water and creating his own waterworks. :)

That's all the updating I can think of right now. I still can't believe 4 weeks have passed. He'll be going to college before I know it...