Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Addition(s)

A few weeks ago, we did something a little crazy...well, crazy for us.

That's right, we bought 4 baby chicks. Not one. Not two. Four. That's what makes us crazy. But, now that we've had them for a few weeks, it's really not bad at all. Chicks are pretty easy to take care of. You feed them. They sleep. You clean up poop. They poop more. Easy peasy.

There's no way of knowing for sure if you have female chicks or male chicks so we're hoping we scored 4 females. We aren't exactly looking to have a chicken farm or anything. If we end up with any roosters, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.....I make a yummy homemade chicken pie.


Blackie, Lilly, White Wing, Ava

Kris' girls named the chicks. The little black one is Blackie, naturally. One of the yellow ones is White Wing, since she has white wings, duh. The other yellow one is Lilly and the brown one is Ava.

They are about to outgrow the box Kris built for them so we'll have to fix our coop soon so they can have more room to sit, eat and sleep. Seriously, that's all they do.

So, there you have it. Our new additions to the family. I can't wait until they start laying eggs!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

1st Mother's Day

Sunday was a good day. 

I guess it was technically my first Mother's Day, even though Baby Boy won't be here until later this summer. It was a special day thinking about him and what it will be like when he gets here. We got to spend time with both of our moms and families. I love when it works out for all of our families to get together. It reminds me of how it was for me growing up. Seeing my grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins on special occasions was always something we got excited about. 

Here are some pictures of our day...
26 weeks
the goofy belly pic
I'm not a "belly picture" kind of girl, but my husband's sense of humor won out in that second picture.

sibling love
John may or may not have passed gas in the picture above...
Okay, he did. We laughed. Kris captured it. Good times!

Putting all the fun and silliness aside, Mother's Day really was a great day. I didn't dwell on the reason for celebrating Mother's Day too much, but something just felt special about the whole day. Looking back, I think it's because of this little boy growing inside of me. It's changing me every day and I'm finding myself often wishing he were already here. We are so blessed and so thankful for this little life that God is trusting us with.

Okay, one more picture just for fun...

...and judging by our faces, I honestly can't decide who I wish our baby is more like. I hope he thinks he's as lucky as we think he is!

I hope all the mamas out there had a special Mother's Day. It really was a good day.